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Chemical plating
NI 37
- Product Code :
- Manufacture : Kemia - Singapore
- Packing : 25 Liter/can
- Description :
NI 37 is a chemical nickel plating process for high speed coating shiny with 6-9% phosphorus content, ...
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Product name
NI 37
Made in
Kemia - Singapore
25 Liter/can
- NI 37 speed chemical processes Nickel plated high-gloss coating with 6-9% phosphorus content, suitable for subsequent coating thickening as well as many other functional applications. This process does not contain lead, cadmium and comply with RoHS regulations.
- NI 37 for heterogeneous chemical coating of Nickel alloy - Phosphorus and capable of coating on a variety of base metals, including aluminum alloys, stainless steel, carbon steel and alloy steel, copper alloy.
- NI 37 for coating very homogeneous and stable operating solution. In addition it also hard coating and high corrosion resistance.
- NI 37 for metal folding government performance 8-10 times compared with traditional solution, the tank is maintained easily. The use of NH4OH or K2CO3 to adjust the pH to make better operational solution.
- NI 37 Make up: pale yellow liquid.
- NI 37 Part I: liquid green.
- NI 37 Part II: colorless liquid.