Food, Feed, Cosmetic

New treatment extends shelf life of bananas

15/01/2019 | 09:06


          Banana is an expensive fruit in many developed countries but is the most popular tropical fruit, especially in Vietnam.

          In our country in recent years, many people in the region have actively expanded the banana plantation areas for export. However, bananas are very fast to break down, creating difficulties and challenges for both growers and consumers.

          An experiment showed that postharvest handling measures for export bananas when using preserved wax products extracted from natural sources may extend the life of bananas as well as prolong the recovery period, case for domestic consumption or export.

          Experts working at Branch of Chemical Market Development and Investment Company Limited – Hanoi City (Mdi Chemical Co., Ltd – Hanoi City Branch) have cooperated with a farms in Can Tho - one of the big farms in the the Mekong Delta. This area is planting banana, mango (mango Taiwan), soursop, King orange, ... we do experiment there successfulyl for export bananas to the Middle East market (transport time 20 days by sea and 10 days for domestic distribution)

- We use Frutcoat AC-36 FDA with dosing 25%

- Frutcoat AC-36 FDA from Concentrol - Spain


-    Harvest banana from farm, transport by boat

-    Put banana at concentration camp

-    Worker will cut and choose good fruit

-    Steep into the first bath and washing banana

-    Banana after chosen, will be steeped on the second bath

-    They are using chlorine for bactericidal action

-    Fish banana on the second bath and steep on Frutcoat AC-36 FDA 25%

-    After using frutcoat, put banana on the scale

-    Every tray will be 10 Kgs

-    They separate each of tray will be packing in a box

-    There is a soft paper between two layer of banana

-    Before paking in box, all banana will be dry by fan

-    There is a shiny cover on the skin of banana

-    The worker will arrange banana on box, using more soft paper

-    They will put 1 desiccant bag and make exhaustion step

-    Finish packaging and transport to cold container


- The FRUTCOAT AC-36 FDA improves the appearance of the treated fruit by making it shinier and more attractive, and maintains its quality by reducing weight loss. The products is adapted to the current regulations of the sector and processing technology.

- Mantains the fruit’s color, smell and natural appearance

- Does not change the fruit’s organoleptic quality

- Extends the fruit’s commercial life

- Mantains its structural integrity

- Water dilution is transparent, and presents no separation, as the product is completely water- soluble

- Presents excellent wetting on the treated fruit, covering it completely

Products are currently distributed by Chemical Market Development and Investment Company Limited (MDI Chemical Co., Ltd).

For more information, please contact:

Hotline: +84 028 6256 5573 (FDC Sales Department)


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