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The new MDI's branch Office
The new MDI’s branch office was inaugurated in Ho Chi Minh city.
As the notice was reported, from December 19th, 2011 the branch’s office of MDI was moved to 379 To Ngoc Van, Thanh Xuan ward, 12 dis, Ho Chi Minh city.phong thủy
The area has 2.018m2 including two office blocks, two warehouses system with the high standard, are suitable for all operational functions of the company requested. Followed by the ancillary buildings such as guard’s rooms, garages, kitchens, dining rooms ,conference rooms and offices…. In the middle of area office is the large yard to organize collective activities such as art, sports, entertainment …
New headquarter has a wide view a front of road, convenient for traffic and transactions are easy. The headquarter has been upgraded, renovated and arranged the necessary equipment to cater for offices and operational delivery.
Tuesday ,07/02/2012 as 16th January in Luna Year, followed by the Feng Shui, that day the weather was beautiful, feng shui harmony, warm are a good day for opening the headquarter.
Mr An Tran Binh – Chairman of the board members, Mr Lam Vu Tung – chief administrative .Ms Ha Bui Thuy – chief Financial Officer, Mr Hung Do The – Branch Manager , the large company’s leading and employers have came at that day.
On this occasion, Mr AN Tran Binh was express trusty for outstanding efforts in the prevailing current difficulties , the company will still be sustainable development in both sale profit and social welfare sides. In addition , engineering staffs and professional staffs is increasing , increasing of employer resource quality for company. These advantages create momentum for competitiveness , to withstand in the chemical Vietnam’s market, and serving the business sector, increasing the country’s economic