Company news

10 years openning ceremony of the MDI company

16/03/2011 | 11:07
March 15, 2011 at No. 135 TT3, Mydinh – Metri Urban Area Mydinh Commune Tuliem District Hanoi, Market Development and Investment Company (MDI) royally 10 years celebration organize open a company.

March 15, 2011 at No. 135 TT3, Mydinh – Metri Urban Area Mydinh Commune Tuliem District Hanoi, Market Development and Investment Company (MDI) royally 10 years celebration organize open a company.

Attend celebration have numerous guests and members in the company. Official celebration was friendly and warm organize.

10 years of development is not a long time but it makes sense importantly by it tagged formation, as well as created development foundation very much. MDI is proud today has affirmed it’s mission and vision of it’s first steps to build a solid foundation for success in the future. 

Some pictures of the “10 years Openning celebration The MDI company”

Chair Man, Union President open Champagne to toast The Company Ceremony.

Company representatives: Director, manager and members blow candles to celebrate birthday of the Company.

The Performance

Collective company MDI.

Beautiful female employees in Aodai.

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